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Old Bike Ride this Sunday

Be there or be square! Old Bike Ride 18 – The Colorado Norton Owners Club Open to all riders of (sufficiently) old motorcycles and all (sufficiently) old motorcycle riders Welcome to Old Bike Ride Eighteen! This annual event is a venture between Norton Colorado and Bob Ohman. The purpose of the Old Bike Ride […]

BMAC mtg minutes, Aug 7th

BMAC Meeting Aug 7, 2021Location:  Great British Food CompanyAttendees:  about 10 including two guestsBob Wendl served as today’s meeting leader.The group decided to attend the open house and BBQ at the Colorado Springs Powersports Motorcycle shop instead of going on a group ride after the meeting.There was no Treasurer’s report or Secretary’s report from the […]

BMAC Mtg, Sat, Sep 4th

Saturday, Sept. 4, 10 am, Great British Food Co.  (I-25 and Nevada – west of I-25). Review of our awesome Bonneville records and stories of the salt flats.  After meeting ride – details to follow. October is our election of officers and board so if you have a hankering to contribute, let us know what job […]

BMAC Meeting, Sat Jun 5th, 10 am

Saturday, June 5 at 10 am. Great British Food Company… Live meeting so be there or be square Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride report (Jim) Cross Country Chase (John) Riverside Ride (Jerry and/or Gary) Craig Ride (Gary) Helene Kafka memorial review (Jerry) Board member replacement Elections announcement for September/October After Meeting Ride to Deckers – come with […]

BMCA Minutes, 4/23/21

The April BMAC meeting came to order online shortly after 6 pm with about 15 members and one guest present. Much of the meeting was regarding the new home of BMAC meetings, the Great British Food Company. Our next meeting will be held in just 8 days time, on Saturday, 5/1 at 10AM. This will […]