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BMAC meeting, Sat, July 2nd

Hi, all, > > > > > > > > Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Gary will be leading a ride afterward, as usual; details to come on that. > > > > > Zoom details for […]

BSM Swap Meet, 6/25

> > Hi, all, > > > > As I mentioned Saturday, Boulder Street Moto will be hosting a swap meet and bike show a couple of weekends from now, the 25th. Details attached. We’d appreciate it if you checked it out. > > > > Cheers, > > > > Jim >

BMAC mtg June 4th

> > Hi, all, > > > > > > > > Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Gary’s after-meeting ride this month will be the out-leg of the overnight Craig trip; even if you’re not doing that […]

Upcoming overnight ride

> > Hi, all, > > > > Gary has arranged another overnight ride for us this year! See below for details … > > > > Ride is about 220 mi to Oak Creek about 5 hr from C/S with return app the same app 450 mi Total. We will be stopping periodically for […]

BMAC meeting, May 7th, 10 am

> > Hi all, > > > > > > Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Weather permitting (looking pretty good as of this writing) a ride will follow the meeting. > > > Zoom details for those […]

Riverside Ride 2022

> > > > > > > > > > > > Phantom Canyon Riders > > 33rd annual Riverside Ride > > > > Riders Meeting: > > The “Riverside Ride” starts at > > 9:00 am Saturday June 25th > > JJ’s Country Corner > > Taft and Harmony > > Fort Collins, […]

BMAC mtg Sat., Mar 5th, 10 am.

> > > > Hi, all, > > > > > Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Weather permitting (currently not looking great) a ride will follow the meeting. > > > Zoom details for those joining remotely […]