February greetings.

I have been watching the weather reports for a few days and it looks like
Saturday is going to be snowy day again, so I have decided to cancel this
month’s meeting, Feb 10th. At least the daylight gets a little longer and
spring gets a little closer each day. Soon we will be riding to meetings and
winter will be a distant thought. But for now, we might want to keep the
snow shovel handy.

Even with temperatures in the single digits we still had a very good turnout
at last month’s meeting. I was pleased to see everybody. I don’t have much
to write about this month. I have mostly tried to stay busy in my shop. I
did get in one ride to with TA and four other riders from the BMW club. I
hope that everyone is well and happy. See you all next month. I’m sure we
will have better weather for the March meeting.

Kris Geller Prez,