President’s September news,

Congratulations! To the boys and girls who went to Bonneville. The salt was
in great shape this year and some new records were set. Puckett Land Speed
Racing and team had a pretty good year. Kristin Stewart took an open class
record aboard a Honda 90 in the 100cc class, Dana Robbins took an open
record in the 50cc class and rode a BSA 280cc for a run of 98mph. Jonathan
Chaikin held the record for a short time aboard a Harley in the 1000cc class
with a later run of 153mph giving him his 150mph license (pretty cool).
Jerry Pokorny set a new record aboard his 700cc 1954 Royal Enfield in the
Vintage class of 70+mph. While George Natcheim went out with high hopes for
his triumph 650 but experienced mechanical problems that caused the back
wheel to spin out of control throwing the motorcycle, and George down on the
salt right off the starting line. Better luck next time George. They should
have a special award just for you.

On Sunday Gary and I rode up to Golden for the 21st. annual Old Bike Ride.
Other BMAC members, Hans, Jonathan, Randy and Robin also rode. We all had
good time of it. I’m just glad to be back on two wheels again after a rough
couple of years. Over Labor Day weekend I rode up to Hot Springs SD. For
Jeff Eaker’s annual air head event. The five day small bike ride put on by
Todd Wallis ( also in SD. this year) was just wraping up so everyone was
enjoying the great riding that this part of the country has to offer.

This weekend TA and I are riding to Chama NM for the annual Land of
Enchantment BMW Rally so Jerry will be here to run the meeting and keep
things rolling along. The weather looks good so bring out those old or new
motorcycles before it starts snowing, Gary won’t be at the meeting this time
so the after meeting ride is up to whoever wants to go. Have fun!
