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December Ramblings

Hi everyone, We will not be having our regular meeting again this month because it falls less than a week before our Holiday party on Friday December 15th at the club house at High Forest Ranch. The party begins at 6:00 PM and the gate will be open. If you haven’t yet, let Jerry or […]

No Nov meeting

November, because it conflicts with Woody Witte’s memorial. The celebration of life it will be held at Hudson Gardens 6115 S Santa Fe Drive Littleton on Saturday November 11th from 11:00 – 2 PM Hello everyone, I’m well and I hope you are to. I guess it’s that time of year to move from the […]

BMAC Christmas party, Dec 15

I have the lodge at HFR reserved for Friday, Dec. 15, 6pm – 9pm. All the weekend dates were taken before I got the message that the BMAC wanted to have our event. Please reserve this date on your calendar so you don’t miss out. I will be sending more information as we get closer […]

Mtg Sat. Sep 9th and After Mtg Ride

Finally it’s starting to cool off a little after a scorching hot summer. We had a Good year for riding and it’s not over yet but still have a couple months of comfortable riding weather coming up. Planning a short after meeting ride this Saturday out to Kiowa . We haven’t done this ride yet […]

Norton Club event, Aug 20th

The BMAC and Norton Club have reciprocity on events and this is one of them. The understanding is that BMAC Club member who are also Norton Club members have no cost to attend. For non-Norton Club folks, a nominal donation to offset the food cost is appreciated. Give whatever you think is fair. Al is […]

No BMAC meeting for July.

> > Just a reminder for those not going to Lake City this weekend. There will be no meeting for July our next meeting will be Aug. 12. I am still at home recovering from injuries but I’m coming along just fine and am looking forward to seeing everyone again soon. > > Kris > […]