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BMAC meeting, May 13

Greetings everybody, We are meeting at what is now our regular place. Black Forest Brewery 11590 Black Forest Rd. Saturday, May 13th. at 11:00 AM. I hope the weather holds out for the short after meeting ride. See you soon Kris Geller President

March 4 Meeting, 11 am

Hello everyone, > > > > > It’s that time again, big meeting this Saturday March 4, 11:00 am at the Black Forest Brewery 11590 Black Forest Rd. > > > > See you all there > > > > Kris > > > President’s thoughts & Story time The first thing I did when […]

BMAC Meeting, Feb 4th, 11am

> > Hi everybody, > > Meeting this Saturday at the Black Forest Brewery. 11590 Black Forest Rd. 11:00 AM. > Check out attached article and I’ll see you on Saturday > > Kris > [gview file=”″]

BMAC meeting for Jan. 7th.

> Hello everyone, > > We are beginning the new year with a new place to meet, a new time to meet and a new President. The place is Black Forest Brewing Co. 11590 Black Forest Rd. #50. It’s easy to find next to the Subway just north of Burgess Rd. The time is 11:15 […]

Nov meeting & annual Christmas party

Hi, all, Don’t forget the next BMAC meeting is this Saturday at the normal 10AM but a NEW LOCATION at Jerry’s clubhouse; the address is 4541 High Forest Rd, 80908. Jerry will have the gate open for us. Our annual holiday party will also be at Jerry’s clubhouse, on the evening of 12/3. Here’s more […]

BMAC meeting, Sep 3rd

Hi, all, Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Ride to follow the meeting, although Gary’s out so we might need a volunteer to lead a route. Cheers, Jim > > >

British Conclave, Sept 18th

See attached for the British Conclave on Sept. 18. This is an event the BMAC has participated in for many years and makes a really nice day outing, so show a bike if you can and come see the show if you can’t show a bike. Carpe Diem, Jerry [gview file=””]

BMAC Mtg, Aug 6th

Hi, all, Join us at Great British Food Company again this Saturday at 10AM… Plan to skip breakfast and have some of Steve’s offerings instead. Some of us will be at Bonneville but the rest of us are still meeting. Gary will be leading a ride afterward, as usual; details to come on that. Zoom […]