Our next meeting is coming up on Saturday, March 8th, at 11:00, at the Black Forest Brewery. It looks like it will be nice and sunny, so get in your car or jump on your bike and come to the meeting!
Last meeting we discussed the wild Las Vegas Mecum auction that happened in January. A new public sale record for a motorcycle was set at about 1.3 million dollars. I showed my new toy, a 3D scanner. It is helping me make parts for a current Triton project. I will bring it again to this meeting and hopefully show that I am making progress on how to operate it and get the most out of it! And then discuss 3D printing of parts, the ultimate goal.
At this meeting, I will also bring a Norton Featherbed frame, which revolutionized frame design and construction back in the 1950’s. A British motorcycle history lesson will result.
The last note is to make sure you send Bob and Denise Wendl your odometer pictures so you can participate in the BMAC High Mileage Contest. Jason Wissner is bringing the big trophy to the meeting Saturday. He was the 2023 winner. We will prepare it to later hand it off to Charlie Lengal, the 2024 winner.
To Sign Up:
- Take a picture of your motorcycle odometer, up to three separate bikes.
- Email these pictures to [email protected]. Bob and Denise are the keepers of the records for this contest.
- At the end of the year, again take pictures of your odometer or odometers and send them to [email protected]. Your mileage from the bikes will be totaled for the year and entered into the contest.
Hope to see you on Saturday!
Frank Puckett, acting president.