From: Eric Bergman <[email protected]&gt;

Yesterday I drove the entire route for Old Bike Ride 21 (this coming Sunday) in my old Mazda pickup and logged time and distance for the main legs. This info is included in the “route synopsis” PDF attached to this message. I’ve also attached a map that
will give you a general sense of the route. Google Maps calculates it at 96.6 miles and 3 hrs 9 minutes, but on my drive I clocked 106.6 miles and it took me 3 hrs 20 minutes (an average speed of 32 mph, if you’re wondering). A competently-ridden motorcycle
should be able to do it in 3 hours or less. This route is much twistier than the ones we’ve used for the Old Bike Ride in recent years, probably the twistiest ever, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep and eat your Wheaties.
There is no lunch stop but there are two planned short stops, the first at Buffalo Bill Grave and Museum atop Lookout Mountain and the second at Stinky’s Sinclair station on US-285 in Conifer, about 2-1/2 hours in. I am going to distribute the commemorative
decals to riders at the first stop. The ride leader may stop briefly occasionally to allow riders to catch up if a group gets caught behind a traffic light or something. There are not many traffic lights on this route, though.
Remember, the Old Bike Ride is for motorcycles from 1980 or older (I will listen to “like design” arguments), unless the rider is 75+, a female (rider), or driving a sidecar, and it is open to anyone who meets those qualifications, whether or not they
belong to Norton Colorado. Please share this e-mail with anyone you think might be able to participate.
For more information check out the main OBR page <>
and the OBR21 page <>.
This latter page still needs some updating with the latest info, i.e., this e-mail. I expect David can get that fixed by tomorrow.
Feel free to ask questions.